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Confront unjust dictatorship power 'The Attorney'

This film is part of the history of Korean democracy. As it is well known, Former President Roh Moo-hyun is the person who became the motif of this film's main character, Song Woo-suk.

When this film was released, the president of Korea was Park Geun-hye, daughter of the dictator. She disliked this film and was known to have made a disadvantage to the company that invested in this film. However, many people missed the dead Roh Moo-hyun and this movie succeeded in box office. It was no coincidence that people showed explosive reactions to this film. After his death, the daughter of dictator became president and democracy in Korea declined. As people watched this movie, they reminisced about Roh Moo-hyun and realized what they had lost.

I think that the driving force of the candlelight revolution that shook Korea last winter came from here. The energy of the candlelight revolution was already growing in people's minds. Now I introduce this movie in Korea where his best friend Moon Jae - in became president. And I appreciate it indefinitely.

This film is based on a true story. Koreans call it the Burim incident. It was an incident in 1981 that the authoritarian regime illegally detained and tortured the 22 ordinary citizens who had been having a reading meeting and turned them into communists. Lawyer Roh Moo Hyun actually took charge of this case.

The main character Song Woo-suk was from a poor family and could not go to a prestigious university like Roh Moo-hyun. He was poor enough to run away from a restaurant without paying. However, the owner of the restaurant did not report him to the police. He studied hard to get out of poverty and became a lawyer after passing the judicial examination. After that, he succeeded as a lawyer and apologized to her. He tries to repay the debt, but she enjoys his success and treats the food. Her goodness left him a big heart debt.

Then one day her son, who was have a reading meeting, is arrested. She visits Song Woo-suk and asks for help. Knowing that the dictatorial power was involved, he hesitated at first and eventually took on the case. From this point his fierce court battle begins. The brutality and injustice of dictatorial power are soon revealed and he is angry. He shows a remarkable performance against dictatorship power. The judge, who was bribed to the dictatorial power, eventually convicted, but through his defense, the whole picture of the case is revealed.

People who have seen this movie can not forget this scene. That is the scene in which he cries out Article 1-2 of the Constitution of the Republic of Korea in the unfair court.

"The sovereignty of the Republic of Korea lies with the people, and all power comes from the people."

It was like a death sentence to the ugly power who forgot that the nation is the people.

If you want to know about democracy in Korea, I recommend this movie. For many Koreans, this film is not just a commercial film, but a democratic history itself that is embroidered in their memories.


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